Greg – “…La police a continué à se refermer sur nous de nous dire de se disperser. Nous avons répondu en disant que vous nous avez boîte en nous ne pouvons pas disperser…”

Purpose of Attendance

I went to the rally in order to protest my extreme dissatisfaction with global governance, le pillage des pauvres pour servir les intérêts de l'élite. Basically I was protesting injustice, it later turned into a protest saying
we have the right to protest


I was involved in the protest which ended in front of the Novotel hotel on the esplanade. We were peacefully marching through the streets chanting and singing, at one point we were close to the security fence but did not
want a confrontation so we moved on to the Novotel hotel. Once there we sat down in the street and continued to chant and sing. It was around 8:30 PM on June 26. Après 5 minutes or so a police line a officers dressed
in riot gear including gas masks appeared in front of us and sealed off that end of the street. People were becoming nervous that would be boxed in so a discussion was had with the police about allowing us to continue
our march. An officer, I’m assuming some type scene commander or supervisor, told the person negotiating on our behalf that would be allowed to continue if everyone in the crowd would flash a peace sign with our
hands. We did this, although it took a few minutes, and during these few minutes another police line formed behind us sealing us in.

At this point it was around 9 PM, the riot police then began hitting their shields and squeezing us tighter and tighter together. Not one person here was violent, aside from the police. We continued to sit in the street
chanting peaceful protest and other chants of the type the police continued to close in on us telling us to disperse. We responded saying you have us boxed in we can’t disperse but the police would only respond with
disperse now or you will be arrested. Needless to say, we were unable to disperse and the police began grabbing single people at random, I was one of those people. I was sitting in the street exercising my Charter right
to peacefully assemble and express my opinion when I was grabbed had my arm twisted nearly out of it’s socket, zip tied, had leg shackles put on and sat in the wet street and on and off again rain for 2 heures.

I was taken to the Eastern avenue detention center at around 11:45-12:00, not too sure of the time the officers wouldn’t tell me. When the two full buses arrived there was a person being loaded into an ambulance which
took off minutes after we arrived. We were then transferred to some type of preliminary cell it was around 3×5 meters and had a door less port-o-potty inside. We remained in zip ties, so as you can imagine going to the
bathroom was rather difficult. I was held here for maybe 1.5-2 hours when I was transferred to another cell of the same speciation’s but this time next to warehouse shelving and the prisoner processing trailers. At this
point I had maybe 4 ounces of water and no food.

I sat in that cell for not long, maybe an hour, when I was taken into a processing trailer to finally be informed of my rights and why I was being held. Inside the trailer I was told I was “lucky” that I was being held on a
breach of the peace, something which the officer said was not a criminal offence or even a charge but they could detain me. He made zero mention of the 24 hour time limit and also told me that I would be allowed to
speak to a lawyer when I was put in my new cage. The officers to this point had been very nice, and respectful, well as much as this type of situation permits.

I was then placed into the cell where I spent the bulk of my time. This cell was about 6×8 feet being 8 feet high. Il n'y avait pas de salle de bains, or benches, just a dirty concrete floor. They placed 6 people in this cage, including
me, I heard from others down the row that they had up to 7 people in theirs. It was standing room only and we had to stay there for around 15-18 heures. At this point I began demanding access to a lawyer, I had been
asking the entire time, but now that I had been processed there is no excuse for me to have a lawyer. The vast majority of the guards told me they were “working on it,” whatever that means, or that all the phones were
in use. I would say it is my charter right to have access to a lawyer upon detention without delay and that they are violating my charter rights. Most would ignore me, some would mock and laugh at me. One officer, whom
I talked to most of shift, finally relented and allowed me to use the phone an hour or two before I was released. At this point it was around 3 in the afternoon on Sunday June 27. When I got into the phone room there
were around 20 des téléphones payants et à ma grande surprise pas un seul était en cours d'utilisation. Demandai-je le gardien pourquoi je avait menti tout le temps et il m'a dit qu'il n'y a pas assez de gardes pour permettre aux gens d'utiliser les téléphones. Dans
a été libéré peu de temps après et a fait de marcher dans la rue avant de mettre mes chaussures, heureusement que je suis mes chaussures le gars dans la cage avec moi la plupart du temps ses chaussures avaient perdu par la police et ils l'ont expulsé en
ses pieds Socked. Eh bien, il était assis dans la cage de libération avec les pieds Socked et il m'a dit qu'ils ont perdu ses chaussures.

Pour autant que je l'ai vu aller blessures, il y avait beaucoup de personnes saignements, meurtri ou ayant sang séché partout dans leurs vêtements. I can’t speak to how they received these injuries since I didn’t see the events and they generally only
described how they were beaten not the precipitating events. The entire time in detention I did not sleep around 36 hours of no sleep 22 of which I spent being detained. I had maybe, and this is a big maybe ¼ of a liter
or water the entire time, a couple sandwiches which I did not eat because they had no nutritional value. The cages were freezing cold, I was shivering most of the time and the guards refused to give anyone blankets.
What compounded the temperature issue was we were all wet and had no shoes and the concrete floors just suck heat right out of you, especially when you’re wet.
Je dois plus de ma journée d'expériences, mais l'arrestation et la détention étaient les plus flagrantes violations de mes droits ce week-end.

Expérience globale & Cours
En quelques mots, décrire l'atmosphère des événements ou comment vos points de vue ont changé en raison de vos expériences.

De quand je suis arrivé il y avait une atmosphère extrêmement tendue, tout le monde était sur le bord. Les gens étaient inquiets à propos de la violence, surtout de la police. Nous avons été victimes d'intimidation et de harcèlement toute la journée et la police fait
manifestations pacifiques impossible. Si je vis maintenant dans la crainte que je suis sur un certain type de liste de surveillance, Je peur que ma maison sera attaqué ou que les frais vais encore être posé, même si tout ce que je faisais était exercer mes droits de tableau. Mon point de vue de
Canada comme un état libre ont été complètement fracassé. Comment pouvons-nous être un état libre lorsque nos droits peuvent suspendu arbitrairement?

Voici une vidéo de la protestation dans laquelle je fus arrêté. Remarquez comment les seules personnes violentes sont la police.

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